Come and join us on FRIDAY 5TH JULY 2019 at the next ‘Taking Ground Music’ Worship Night.
The evening is taking place at Tees Valley Community Church at 7:30 pm. FREE ENTRY // EVERYONE WELCOME //.
We are excited to meet together to worship our great God. Worship is more than gathering together for a “feel good” evening. Worship honours our mighty God. It changes us, our perspective and it changes circumstances around us. Worship, wages war on the enemy. It lifts up the name of Jesus and seats HIM on the throne of our lives. Worship declares God as our victor, our Redeemer, our father and friend. God Is SO good, he is faithful, true to his promises! He is healer, provider, giver and sustainer of life. In him is fullness of life, peace, strength and joy. Our God is SO worthy of our praise, our time, our effort. We can’t wait to worship with you and see what God does! Look forward to seeing you there 🙌🏼